Icecat works with Disney to improve conversion

Published on: 5th June 2023

A trial using Icecat Enhanced Content has resulted in an increase of +11% conversion, as revealed at the recent Disney Ecommerce Expo.

Global syndicator of eCommerce product content Icecat, which was founded in the Netherlands in 1999, supports companies in conveying product content online, sharing specifications, marketing text, images and videos related to their products. The company can help retailers which host their web shops on various different eCommerce platforms.

Disney and Icecat worked together to improve the conversion rate of retailer product pages via a pilot, and impressive results were achieved with Dutch toy retailer Intertoys. Specifically, Icecat Enhanced Product Stories, which transform regular product pages into enhanced product experiences were used, creating a page that allows companies to tell a larger, more complete story about a product, service, character or brand. These pages include a combination of video, images, feature logos, and 3D objects which present the product in a brand-consistent way across different channels.

Rene Rozendal, director of Toys and Entertainment at Icecat, spoke at the Disney Ecommerce Expo where he presented the results of the pilot, demonstrating the impact of adding generic Marvel Enhanced Product Stories to a selection of licensed products. The products with Enhacned Product Stories boosted their conversion by +11%.

All brand owners can boost their own conversion on product pages by adding Enhanced Product Stories products to the Icecat catalogue. At the same time, they can syndicate their product content and respect their licensee’s guidelines. The content can also be enriched with generic licence information, enhanced specifically per product, while projecting a consistent brand image across multiple channels globally.

Brand owners can support their licences through Icecat for a better online product experience, which will result in a higher conversion rate and revenue.

Readers who have any questions about Icecat services or how to enhance content on product pages are invited to contact the team or register directly for the Icecat catalogue for free.


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